Friday, 3 June 2016

Toy Story That Time Forgot - Buzz, Woody, Trixie, Reptillus & Goliathon

I decided to order some of the Toy Story That Time Forgot action figures this week whilst they were on sale and still available to buy easily (on Amazon). I wasn't able to get the whole set but I did get Battle Armor Buzz, Battle Armor Woody, Battle Armor Trixie, Reptillus Maximus and Goliathon.

They were all boxed but as stated previously, I do not keep toys in boxes so they have all been carefully removed and the boxes stored away.

I'll start by showing you Goliathon. Here he is in his box, front and back views shown. He was the only one of the ones I got not to have a protective plastic box cover. The back of the box just shows the other figures you can collect from the series.

He's actually a pretty cool toy, with wheels on the bottom so you can move him along, and his mouth opens nice and wide so he can eat the other toys :) He is actually pretty mean looking too which I like a lot, I'll have fun taking some photos of him out in the garden I think.

The others all came in blister boxes on card as you can see, all with the same illustration in the background. The back of the boxes was also the same for each figure, again showing the other figures available to collect.

Buzz comes with an axe which he can hold in either hand. I noticed with all the figures that the hand grips are quite tight which makes it a little tricky to put the accessories into them but once they are in they hold pretty well so that is good.

Reptillus Maximus comes with his staff thing and when you take him out the package his tail is not attached so that just clips on. As with Buzz, his hand grip is pretty tight on both hands but he can hold his staff in both hands well. 

Trixie is probably my favourite of the figures, I just think her detailing is really nice and I like the expression on her face. Her legs move and you can move her head from side to side too. Her armor is all attached, as with the other figures, so you can't take any of it off but that's fine as it means no pieces to go missing easily!

And finally we have Woody. Normally, Woody can do no wrong in my eyes as he is my absolute favourite Pixar character; however, this Woody is a right pain! He does not like to stand at all. It took me ages to balance him for these photos! Aside from that though, I like him as a figure. His detail is pretty good and I like that his hat is removable as I was expected it to be fixed on. He comes with a sword which he can hold well in both hands. 

As a set, I am pretty pleased with them and I definitely want to add the rest of the figures to my collection so I will be hunting for those online later ;) Here are some extra bonus pics of them all for you to enjoy :)


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